Friday, January 1, 2016

Eastman Outdoors 100% Natural Hog Casing for Italian, Bratwurst, FIRST TIME... in my opinion

The week ago. I search for information on the Eastman Outdoors 100% Natural Hog Casing for Italian, Bratwurst & BBQ, so i would like to describe here.

made sausage today for the first time. This frame was super easy to work with, soaked in warm water for 30 minutes, rinsed inside a few times and continued to their stuffing with pork, garlic and a blend of spices. I have some of the sausage in the oven tonight, and it was so delicious!! I am very pleased with carter and my hose honed and filled with kitchen aid.

Eastman Outdoors 100% Natural Hog Casing

Eastman Outdoors offers High-Quality cooking products that are done in connection with leading chefs to adapt professional-grade supplies for the Do-It-Yourself enthusiast. The 100% Natural Hog Casings will make Italian, Bratwurst, and BBQ size sausages. You can use your favorite meats such as beef, pork, chicken, lamb, veal or any wild game to stuff the casings. The packaging .... Read more or Check Price


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